A few hours ago, I was sitting in my car, patiently counting down the minutes to the end of my lunch break. That's when a drop of water hit my windshield. Another one followed. Then another, and another, and suddenly it was drizzling. The only thoughts running through my head at this point had to do with dreading the idea of moving all my stuff from one house to another in the rain, which is what I have to do today, come 5 o'clock. I also inexplicably had a craving for blueberries and ice cream, a craving that California rain almost always brings out in me.
My lunch break ended, and I briskly walked through the rain into the office where I work. This is where the pandemonium began.
Minutes after I approached my bosses' desk:
My boss (L), after tilting her head to one side and hearing the sounds of rain drops on the windows and roof: Is it raining?
Me: Yeah, it was kind of drizzling-
L: It's RAINING?!?!?
Woman who works next door (M): It IS! It IS raining!! Come look, come look!!
After this command, five of the women who work in the office huddled in front of a nearby window, where they proceeded to exclaim in high pitched voices over the (ridiculously small) amount of rain drops falling from the sky.
And then the unimaginable happened:
L: IS THAT HAIL?!?!?!?
M: No, it couldn't be hailing!!!!
L: It IS!! Look at the GRASS!! It's HAIL!!!
And then they all ran outside - outside - to watch it rain. And they weren't the only ones standing outside. Most of the people who work in this building were also standing outside. Watching. The. Rain.
Later, we had another episode where L realized that other boss, C's car window was rolled down, so L had to race around the office in search of an umbrella - M burst out with a chorus of "Under my umbrella, ella, ella" here - so C could run outside and close her windows.
Since then, the lights have flickered a couple of times and have completely gone out twice. It's also turned into a full-on thunderstorm, with loud noises and even lightning!
The most annoying thing about this rain is that two days ago, the temperature was in the hundreds. And I thought rainy season in Ecuador was bipolar.

I'm just praying that rain will never make me as psychotic as it makes most people who live here.