Friday, September 28, 2007

Procrastination, Part 1: Best Things About December 11 - December 13, 2009

1. Christmas chapel. Carols and man choir and funny skits and warm holiday feelings.
2. Last American Lit class. Wooooo, no more learning about authors I already read in high school.
3. Rain, rain, rain. Even though the windshield wipers on Betty don't work too well, it made for a lovely adventure driving down to San Juan Capistrano.
4. Road trippin' with the bf. Good music courtesy of Kirk's iTunes and sour cream and onion Pringles, mint Milano cookies, and Diet Coke/Starbucks for a mid afternoon snack.
5. Glory of Christmas at the Crystal Cathedral. Real camels! And flying angels! And the cutest lambs and goats and a donkey! Oh yeah, and the acting and music and costumes were all pretty great, too.
6. Lots of time with my adopted grandparents, Ellis and Frankie. Plus great food, comfortable housing, and good conversation, all because of their generosity.
7. Sleeping in. 
8. Pumpkin bagels at I Heart Bagels! These bagels are listed very very high on my Top Favorite Things list.
9. Getting things done while at the same time doing nothing. Like such as Christmas shopping and finishing up my list of To Do's for Lithuania.
10. Seeing The Road. Ok, here is what you need to do: Go read The Road by Cormac McCarthy and then go see the movie. Right now. Just do it.
11. A hilarious Sunday morning. Highlights included: accidentally on purpose missing church, getting lost somewhere around Laguna Niguel, dancing in the car to Christmas music, and eating at the Souplantation (it never gets old).
12. A brand new backpack. Her name is April.
13. Hot toddies and a Salt Creek sunset. I could literally spend every afternoon for the rest of my life watching sunsets at Salt Creek and never get tired of it. This particular afternoon, I had very handsome company, which made it extra nice.
14. "Meeting" the boyfriend's parents via video chat. And realizing he looks exactly like his mother.
15. Kirk Dahlstrom.


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Unknown said...

Dear Rhianna,

Thank You for entering the Beso Hunter Boot contest. I hope you are given the opportunity to own a pair of these fabulous black boots to jazz up your rain attire during the gloomy and rainy days as you walk in comfort.

Thank You and Good Luck!

The Beso Team