Monday, December 1, 2008


I just want to know you're ok.

You've told me before, told me that I'm the one who reminds you to be good. I took it very seriously when you told me that. I took it even more seriously than when you told me you were praying for me. 

That's why I'm trying to remind you again. But you're not helping to make that happen.

I need you to write me. I need you to acknowledge that I am trying to get in touch with you again. I need you to remember our friendship and what it did to both of us. 

We're not children anymore, you even more so than myself (you're the one of legal drinking age) and it terrifies me that you have this reason to screw things up and forget who you are deep inside yourself, beneath all of those layers of swearing and "cool" and fakeness (I truly believe that you are who you were with me, that this person you show to everyone else isn't the real you). 

I feel responsible for you. I just want to know you're ok.

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